Steel Structure Building

Pre Engineered Steel Warehouse Building For Sale

The components of the almacén con estructura de acero have been prefabricated in the factory, and the products are directly transported to the construction site, and only need to be hoisted and spliced.

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Pre Engineered Steel Warehouse Building For Sale

Acero principal Columna y viga-Acero Q235, Q355 de alta resistencia y rigidez, gran capacidad de carga
Marco secundario Acero C, acero Z, tubo cuadrado, ángulo de acero, tirante, barra de tensión y arriostramiento.
Método de conexión de la estructura de acero Conexión soldada o perno
Material de techo y paredes ondulado Chapas onduladas, panel sándwich (EPS, LANA DE ROCA, LANA DE VIDRIO)
Conexiones Anclajes, pernos de alta resistencia/ordinarios, chapa de acero, etc.


The installation of the steel structure warehouse is very fast, which can meet the needs of some manufacturers for emergency warehouse construction, and has obvious advantages during the construction period.
     In addition, the construction cost and labor cost of steel structures are usually 20%~30% lower than the concrete warehouse, and it is safer and more stable.



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