Steel Structure Building

Prefabricados de almacenamiento de estructura de acero para la venta

Warehouses are places where supplies are stored as basic storage facilities. In order to respond to various demands for warehouse buildings in the market, steel structure storage has become the most popular warehouse structure on the market.

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HIG HOUSE Prefab Storage Steel Frame Structure For Sale


Acero principal Columna y viga-Acero Q235, Q355 de alta resistencia y rigidez, gran capacidad de carga
Marco secundario Acero C, acero Z, tubo cuadrado, ángulo de acero, tirante, barra de tensión y arriostramiento.
Método de conexión de la estructura de acero Conexión soldada o perno
Material de techo y paredes ondulado Chapas onduladas, panel sándwich (EPS, LANA DE ROCA, LANA DE VIDRIO)
Conexiones Anclajes, pernos de alta resistencia/ordinarios, chapa de acero, etc.


If you need ample storage space for equipment, vehicles, tools, or other items, our prefab metal steel building storage are a convenient and cost-effective option.

These steel buildings can raise your property value and save you the hassle of renting a storage unit to protect your valuables. Buy our prefab storage steel frame structure and you’re sure to get the space you need, especially since you can customize yours to create exactly the right storage solution.

Browse our steel structure building for sale and you’re certain to find the perfect structure at a great price, whether it’s a small shed or an extra-large steel building.




steel structure


steel structure

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