Low Cost Modern Small Philippines Home Containers Mobile Store For Sale
Flexible container house design: The container house can combine into 1 to 3 floors custom-made buildings,for Own Residential,for Commercial cafe shop building rent.
Fast assemble: The installation time of a 20ft or 40ft container takes less than 1 day, and four workers can finish 5unit/day.
container house price: The standard material including roof structure, floor, wall panels, doors and other, different material for container house.
1. Family house for low-income people, Temporary homes for disaster areas, Holiday and vocation house.
2. Remote site constructions camping, Warehouse, Workshop.
3. Company office, Dining halls, Dormitories, Hospitals, Saloons,, Entertainment centers.
If you’re looking for an minimalist living space? We have a detailed list of affordable custom 20ft 40ft container house for sale. The modular homes are durable, affordable, and transportation.