Customized Project

Hospital de contentores pré-fabricados

Efficient, Modular Container Hospitals – Transforming Healthcare Delivery.

  • Objetivo da utilização:

    Contentor Hospitalar
  • construction area:

    1366.5 square meters
  • Tempo:

  • Localização:

  • Local de origem:

  • Detalhe do produto

Hospital de contentores de Xiaotangshan

Xiaotangshan Container Hospital is the fastest solution for the suddenly broken-out virus in Weihui.

By the Covid-19 broken out suddenly in Wuhan and other city’s start to have cases. We received the request from the government, need to be completed one emergency hospital ASAP, meanwhile, need to make sure the durability, comfortable, reasonable, and safe.

Once received this demand, we recall all our workers come back to work day and night, to make sure we could help as much as people we can, time for us to do something for our society.


Prefabricated Container Hospital Layout





About this container hospital, we are responsible from production to installation, the design, medical equipment, special pipeline, and electrical wires are responsible by other parts.

This is a two-story container hospital with a total of 24 beds. The total construction area is 1366.5 square meters and the land area is 633.25 square meters. The project took about 20 days from production to completion. All the wards are constructed to a high standard and are fully equipped with separate bathrooms and air conditioners. The hospital building is equipped with a clean air area, semi-pollution area, and pollution area, those areas will accept different kinds of patients.


Galeria de projectos >>

xiaotangshan hospital 1
xiaotangshan hospital 2
xiaotangshan hospital 4

xiaotangshan hospital 3
xiaotangshan hospital 5
xiaotangshan hospital 6


Prefabricated Hospital Solutions
HIG provides the necessary container housing units required for the construction of rapid isolation wards. The container wards are all constructed to a high standard, and are fully equipped with washstands, toilets, and air conditioners. The ward is designed in accordance with the requirements of infectious disease hospital control, and the ward, work area, and living area are independently designed. The ward is equipped with a patient channel, medical care channel, and a dedicated channel for cargo delivery.

The container house is a prefabricated building, and all its components are produced in the factory. Prefabricated houses can be quickly put into use only by the simple assembly on the construction site. Compared with traditional houses made of reinforced concrete and bricks, it is more efficient and cheaper. The prefabricated container house does not need to be re-decorated. It uses environmentally friendly materials and can be moved in after assembly.

Whether building a large hospital or a small monitoring station or clinic, container houses are a good choice. The assembly is fast and easy to move to another place. We also have matching security doors and disinfection passages. There are a lot of professional designs for container clinics, please contact us for solutions.

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